Thursday, 27 November 2008

Da Flora Vaginal!

P&G Brazil do talk about Flora, although in an entirely different context to the margerine brand that we all love in the good old UK.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Its Been A While...

Welcome once again. We've been absolutely manic on placement and loving every minute! Whilst doing some 'research' this week we've spotted a young American lady.She goes by the name of Chelsea Pucks (hmmm...) and her comedy style, of course highlighting American ignorance, also has flashes of quite random hilarity. Catered to the right audience she could be a star! One day, maybe. Check her out, if you think she's shit at least she's hot!

Friday, 3 October 2008


Last night saw the 'private view' of an illustrative exhibition named 'hodrodsandhairybeasts'. It featured four of the best, most influential illustrators on the advertising/editorial scene at the moment. The night was fairly busy and slightly sweaty, needless to say i was lucky to have left my swingable cat at home! The exhibition is well worth a look in person (you'll have to hurry) or if not check out the work online.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Here's Johnny!

I'd like to think we're all familiar with Cash, Bravo & Five of the Johnny world. Now meet Johnny X! This viral character stars in a sequence of short films that ultimately go together to make one longer one. The narrative of which (interestingly) relies on the functionality of the new Sony Ericsson X-1 handset, hence the X's involvement perhaps.

Will the X-1 save the day? Will the X-1 sprout a set of legs and runaway? Or will the X-1 simply self combust due to over-use, blowing Jonny X into fish food sized chunks, that would be cool!


To re-enforce the point that their clothes are of course cheap and affordable Primark could design there gift vouchers with low values and a home-made production style. I thought it was a great way to cut through the ordinary, agreed!?

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Knock Knock!

Today a question, what was the governor of California's most inspiring one-liner during his fruitful acting career? Check out the poll in the sidebar and let us know!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Monday, 15 September 2008

I Do Like Monday's

Henk Hofstra...does the name mean much to you? On his arty adventures Hofstra does branch into a variation of disciplines, however his project work certainly does push the boundaries of normality. Respect!

Friday, 12 September 2008

That Friday Feeling!

We explored the hard-drive, found some footage, Stevie we salute you.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Ding Dong.

Its not big and its not clever at all...but it is quite funny!

These are two of our most offending efforts. What's the most 'creative' way you can use your webcam?

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Cadbury's The 3rd.

As most of us will have noted the third spot for Cadbury's Dairy Milk seems to have turned into an amalgamated, chocolate mess with trucks, gorillas, Bonnie Tyler and Bon Jovi all thrown in.
If it was mandatory to turn the third spot into a tribute, could it have been better? We're thinking perhaps mental gorilla, x-factor gorilla or our personal favourite eastender gorilla.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Beware Of The Northener!

Last night saw the return of two legends. The formidable partnership that is Enfield & Whitehouse AKA Harry & Paul. Check out Episode 1 on BBC i-player.
Numerous fantastic new sketches meant we couldn't choose an overall winner. Best sketch in show tied between the Dragon's Den parody and the multi lingual football coach. Wonder if he'd be interested in the ever vacant Newcastle job?

Monday, 8 September 2008

Light Up Your Monday Morning.

Beautiful models, weird fashion, all hail the work of Marianne Maric.

Monday, 1 September 2008

To Infinity And Beyond.

An article that reminds us why we're trying to do what we wanna do. Unfortunately also reminding us that the cold, hard facts suggest we are more likely to end up in the stratosphere! Oh well i suppose we'll settle for that then.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Money Money Money...Is It Funny?

If this is the first time you have read our blog, welcome to you. However if this is the first time you've read our blog as a direct result of a fake £20, WELCOME! If you are one of the lucky few to find a fake note out and about and then actually read this, drop us a comment.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Erotic Falconry.

The subject of Erotic Falconry often baffles us, after being directed to this wonderful website (thanks Dan) we felt strangely inspired...who knows what David Attenborough would make of this madness.

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Why so serious?

After seeing new Batman flick 'The Dark Knight' we couldn't help but be inspired by Heath Ledger's fantastic Joker. With an addiction to knives, pyrotechnics & lip-licking we needed to emulate at least one of his characteristics.
Knives are dangerous and lip-licking is often boring so we give you our conceptual, pioneering, home-made pyrotechnic device. Want to see it detonated?

Towels in the bin.

Mr Dyson has done it again, the 'Airblade' units are phenomenal and ground-breaking in the hand-drying sector. This made us think, how could the technology be adapted to become the full bodied super version!?

Bringing you Dyson 'Airblade' in conjunction with the daily shower! Possibly the end of towels as we know them?

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

The fastest milkman?

Introducing the one and only Ernest or as we like to call him 'Ernie'. Famed for his slogan tees he is a fellow graduate and on the hunt for a creative partner, if you fancy working with him or even just fancy him drop us a comment and we'll put you in touch. Note: this isn't a dating site (yet). See more Ernie

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Push OUR brief.

A week ago we attended the first social/work evening since moving to London, branded 'the young guns' by organisers Ash & Ant, we side-stepped the brief and were rewarded with a cheeky victory. On the whole we gained some useful contacts and some useful free booze. To read more about the goings-on at 'Push the Brief 2008' check out Ash's blog. We certainly look forward to the next event, cheers guys!

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Newspapers are cool (Vol. 1)

In the first instance of many we pay homage to what we can only refer to as 'tabloid genius'. Next time you enter a dark alleyway don't worry about that dodgy looking bloke, its the inconspicuous seal that you should worry about (if you're a penguin that is).

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Supersize me!

Out and about on the town earlier today Dani was no match for the 'MAN-SIZE BINBAGS' that stood in her way. She may be smiling on the photo however was soon decreased into a bumbling-ball of fear! This begs the question. can anyone supply some 'MAN-SIZE TISSUES' to wipe away the tears!?

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

W&K London Shenanigans

'Living for the weekday' a mission to bless the interweb with all of the interesting things that go on in the Brownmann world. First up we got a mention on the awesome W&K blog."Next to pop in for a cuppa and a croissant were our old friends Dani and Paul and their classmates from the University of Sunderland. As well as their ever enthusiastic course leader Keith Nevens. We love the course Keith and the great work you’re doing, keep it up!" thanks to Lucy & Darren! As for us keep checking back we'll be adding more fantastically interesting stuff very soon!