Friday, 3 October 2008


Last night saw the 'private view' of an illustrative exhibition named 'hodrodsandhairybeasts'. It featured four of the best, most influential illustrators on the advertising/editorial scene at the moment. The night was fairly busy and slightly sweaty, needless to say i was lucky to have left my swingable cat at home! The exhibition is well worth a look in person (you'll have to hurry) or if not check out the work online.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Here's Johnny!

I'd like to think we're all familiar with Cash, Bravo & Five of the Johnny world. Now meet Johnny X! This viral character stars in a sequence of short films that ultimately go together to make one longer one. The narrative of which (interestingly) relies on the functionality of the new Sony Ericsson X-1 handset, hence the X's involvement perhaps.

Will the X-1 save the day? Will the X-1 sprout a set of legs and runaway? Or will the X-1 simply self combust due to over-use, blowing Jonny X into fish food sized chunks, that would be cool!


To re-enforce the point that their clothes are of course cheap and affordable Primark could design there gift vouchers with low values and a home-made production style. I thought it was a great way to cut through the ordinary, agreed!?